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AMI Jukebox Mega-Link



In available markets, your Force and Ion Megatouch game(s) may be linked with an AMI-powered jukebox by utilizing the 
Mega-Link feature, which allows customers to view and play jukebox music selections directly from the Merit touchscreen. 
To enable the link, you will need a broadband Internet connection, a router and Ethernet cable(s) (if you are not using 
wireless).  Once the router is configured, follow the instructions below for hardware and software setup. 

NOTE:  Some Force games do not support Super High Resolution and thus cannot be linked to a jukebox.  These 
games include Force Radion and Classic, as well as Force conversions from Slim, Select and EZ Maxx models. 

Additionally, all games linked to a jukebox must be running 2006.5 software (V21) or greater.  All of them must also 
be running the same level of software for proper operation.  To determine what version of software your game is 
running, push the SETUP button inside the cabinet.  The software version will be displayed in the lower left corner of 
the first screen that appears.  Following the “PG3002” will be the version running on your game. 



1.  Ensure that both the jukebox and your Megatouch game are turned off and unplugged before making any connections. 

2.  Unlock and open the jukebox door to locate the unit’s interior router. 

3.  Insert the Ethernet (Category 5) cable through the access hole in the rear of the jukebox, and then connect the cable to 

the interior router.  

NOTE:  If the jukebox is mounted to the wall, it may be necessary to temporarily dismount it.


4.  Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to your external router. 


Wired connections:

  Connect a separate Ethernet cable to the Ethernet coupler on the outside of your game, then to the 

router.  Plug in and turn on the jukebox and your game. 


Wireless connections:

  Plug in and turn on the jukebox and your game. 



6.  Press the SETUP button. 

7.  At the MAIN MENU, touch the 



8. Next 


Internet Connection

, select the 




FORCE games only:

  Touch the

 Ethernet Setup

 button.  At the Ethernet Internet Setup screen, select



If the Automatic connection fails, contact Merit Customer Service to set up a connection using the Manual option.



Ion games only:


Wired Connections Only:

  Next to 

(LAN) Local Area Network Connection

, touch 


 to advance to the Ethernet 

Internet Setup Screen.  At the Ethernet Internet Setup screen, select 


.  Skip to step 12.  



If the 

Automatic connection fails, contact Merit Customer Service to set up a connection using the Manual option.


Wireless Connections Only:

  Touch the 


 button next to (LAN) Local Area Connection to advance to the Internet 

Setup Screen.  Then, touch 

Configure Device

 and choose from the following options to network your game:




you are using security, only 64 or 128-bit WEP encryption is supported.



Autodetect Network


  The system will find and connect to the nearest available wireless network.  This is the easiest 

way to connect. 


Search for Networks:

  Looks for all available wireless connections. Select a connection from the list to proceed. 



Secured connection

 Choosing a “locked” device will prompt a key (password) request.  If it is your own 


network, use your password to gain access.  If not, this indicates an outside wireless network that has been 


encrypted and is not accessible. 



Unsecured connection


You will be prompted to enter interface information.  Accept the default values, or 


consult a network advisor to manually configure these settings. 

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Ad-Hoc Network

:  This is only for linking games, not for connecting to the AMI server. 


Custom Configuration

:  Touching this button will prompt the user to enter the SSID (network name) for manual 

setup of the wireless connection. 

NOTE:  Wireless Internet connection does not require Manual Configuration.  Only users who have changed the 
default SSID during router installation should change the SSID.  Consult the instructions supplied with your wireless 
router for more information. 



 If you have chosen 

Custom Configuration

, you will be prompted to enter interface information.  We suggest you 

accept the default values.  If you want to manually configure these settings, consult a network advisor. 


Wireless connections Only:

  Once you have chosen your network connection and the game returns to the Wireless 

Device Setup Screen, reboot the game in order to ensure your network is properly established.  Continue with step 12. 

12. Touch 


 at the top of the screen.  Then, touch the 


button, followed by 

AMI Setup


  If the 

AMI Setup

 button does not appear, touch the 


 button and go to page 4 in Options.  Touch the box 

next to 

Enable AMI

.  Then touch the 


 button and touch 

AMI Setup

13.  To enable AMI Music Connectivity, ensure that the Jukebox ID is set to connect automatically.  Accept the default values 

for the Server URL and Agent Name, and then touch 


14.  Enter and confirm the AMI Entertainment username and password created with your initial jukebox account and utilized for 

Web site access. 

NOTE: If a jukebox is not detected, you will be prompted to manually configure the jukebox information obtained 
from your jukebox setup screen.  On your jukebox, go into “Service”, and then select the “Diagnostics” and “System 
Information” options on screen.  Enter the MAC Address, exactly as it appears on the jukebox, into the Jukebox ID 
field on your Megatouch game.  (The defaulted Server URL and Agent Name are also listed on the jukebox setup 
screen.)  Once the information is entered, touch “Connect” once again on the AMI Setup screen to proceed.


15.  The game will download the music.  Under normal circumstances, this could take anywhere from 30 minutes (Ion) to 90 

minutes (Force).  Merit has a catalog download available on the Web site that will decrease this time 
(  A 

“Connection Successful”

 message will appear when finished, 

followed by an option to enable the link.  Touch 


 to complete the process.  Once the link is established, you may 

return to the AMI Setup screen to disable, test or view details regarding connectivity. 

16. Touch 


 at the top of the screen, then touch 


17. Touch 

AMI Play Cost

 to configure the price of music selected from the game.  Use the arrows to set the two-digit credit 

cost (e.g. “02” = 2 credits) for each of the 3 play options: One Song Play, MOD (Music On Demand) Play, and Priority Play 
(My Song First) Cost. 

NOTE:  The cost of one song must be set to a minimum amount of 33¢.  If your game is set to one credit is equal to 
17¢, each field in the AMI Play Cost Screen must be at least 2 credits in order for the units to link.  The same AMI 
music billing applies for songs selected through the game. 

18. Touch 



 in the upper right side of the screen and confirm you want to exit the setup screens. 

Viewing Jukebox Revenue 

To view jukebox revenue from your AMI-enabled Megatouch, use the following procedure: 
1.  Press the SETUP button. 
2. Touch 



3. Touch 

Cash Settlement Collection.


4. Touch 

Revenue Details/Cash Out.


5. Locate 


Jukebox Revenue

 data on screen.